Institut Canadien de chirurgie esthétique

   514 612-4983   1 Westmount Square, Bureau 1380, Montréal, QC, Canada, H3Z 2P9
Cosmetic surgery of the face

Mini Facelift in Montreal

Dr. Nabil Fanous explains facial cosmetic surgery: Mini Facelift Mini Rhytidectomy.

Cosmetic surgery of the face

This is a small «Optimum Mobility» Facelift (a new technique published and taught by Dr. Fanous).
Cosmetic surgery of the face

Awaken your freedom

« The face procedures can be crucial in increasing your self-esteem. Each cosmetic surgery needs to be performed gently, with the greatest care. Attention to details, artistic judgment and experience are required. » DR.NABIL FANOUS

Facial surgery

The Mini-Mini Lift
The Mini-Mini lift tightens mostly the area of the jowls along the border of the mandible, as well as the area of the upper neck.Because it is a limited surgery, the Mini-Mini lift may sometimes be performed under local anesthesia only.
As well, the duration of the surgery and the recovery time are much shorter than in the case of a complete facelift.
Possible complications of the Mini-Mini Lift

The possible complications are similar to those of a complete facelift (please read ‘Facelift’).

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