INCREDIBLE RESULT ... after complete FACELIFT and lips!
“I find my result looks so NATURAL!”
Listen to hear my patient’s facial rejuvenation experience and how happy she is with her results!
Surgery: Facelift, forehead and eyelid lift, upper lip lift, fillers, and Botox
Result: 5 months and 2 weeks post-surgery
Source: The practice of Dr. N. Fanous MD, ORL, FRCS(c)
Warning: These photos are published for reference only to provide information on the nature of the intervention. They do not constitute a guarantee of results.
Dr. Nabil Fanous explains facial cosmetic surgery
Long upper lip
Excessive length of the upper lip may be due to genetic factors or to the natural aging process. To reduce it, a horizontal incision is made in the nostrils in the bottom of the nose. Dr. Fanous has perfected this procedure by masking part of the incision inside the nostrils, making the scar less visible. Although the risks of complications are present, as in any surgical procedure – including hypertrophic scars, asymmetry, haematomas, or reactions to anaesthesia – they remain relatively low.
Cosmetic surgery of the face
Awaken your freedom
« The face procedures can be crucial in increasing your self-esteem. Each cosmetic surgery needs to be performed gently, with the greatest care. Attention to details, artistic judgment and experience are required. »

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